Competition Introduction

The Baseball Canada 13U, 15U or 16+ program is designed to provide valuable and accessible resources and training to coaches who are working with children in the introduction to competition level baseball programs.

The program is comprised of nine parts:

  • Baseball Canada's On-line Modules - a complete resource to help get you started and a place to revisit often while you coach children's baseball;
  • Initiation Coach Clinic - a Provincial/local 4-5 hour, on-field/gym clinic that you can attend only after completing the On-line Module. The clinic covers the fundamentals of the game and some ethical decision making;
  • Teaching and Learning Clinic - a Provincial/local 4-5 hour, in-class clinic that you can attend only after completing the On-line Module. The clinic covers organization, explanations, demonstrations, supervision and feedbacks;
  • Absolutes Clinic - a Provincial/local 4-5 hour, in-class clinic that you can attend only after completing the On-line Module. The clinic covers the minimum standards for the skills that coaches must teach players at the age group in which they are playing.
  • Planning Clinic - a Provincial/local 4-5 hour, in-class clinic that you can attend only after completing the On-line Module. The clinic covers the structure of a practice and the design of a simple season plan.
  • Emergency Action Plan - an online, 15-minute eLearning module that you can complete at any time. This module is available through the coach’s Locker account at
  • Pitching & Catching Clinic - a Provincial/local 4-5 hour, in-class or gym/fiield clinic that you can attend only after completing the On-line Module. The clinic covers basic pitching mechanics as well as fundamentals for catchers.
  • Strategies Clinic - a Provincial/local 4-5 hour, in-class clinic that you can attend only after completing the On-line Module. The clinic covers signals, line-up, basic positioning, steal, hit and run and other tactical aspects.
  • New Skills clinic - Baseball Canada has developed the Skills Clinic, with a focus on training coaches in the 15U and 16+ age classifications. The content of this clinic is directly linked to the needs of your athletes at those age groups with a focus on the coaching elements that should be emphasized during the course of the season.

Each part of the program provides credits towards your status as a Baseball 13U, 15U or 16+ Coach.

Baseball Canada On-line Modules

On completion of one of these modules, you will get credit for:

  • Select pre-designed practice plans that show flexibility for number of children, helpers, space and equipment.

Your coaching status in the Baseball Canada 13U, 15U or 16+ Coach program will be In Training.


Initiation Coach clinic

On completion of this module, you will get credit for:

  • Run a practice session that is fun, safe and keeps children actively engaged.
  • Explain the fundamentals of a game so children understand and can successfully play in a game.
  • Make ethical decisions.

Your coaching status in the Baseball Canada 13U, 15U or 16+ Coach program will be In Training.


Teaching and Learning Clinic

On completion of this module, you will get credit for:

  • Ensure that the practice environment is safe.
  • Implement an appropriately structured and organized practice. Make interventions that promote learning.
  • Apply an ethical decision making process.

Your coaching status in the Baseball Canada 13U, 15U or 16+ Coach program will be In Training.


Absolutes Clinic

On completion of this module, you will get credit for:

  • Warm up, throwing and receiving and cool down;
  • Pitching;
  • Catching;
  • Fielding;
  • Offensive/Defensive Tactics;
  • Mental Skills, and Communication;
  • Hitting and Base Running.

Your coaching status in the Baseball Canada 13U, 15U or 16+ Coach program will be In Training.


Planning Clinic

On completion of this module, you will get credit for:

  • Identify appropriate logistics for practice.
  • Identify appropriate activities in each part of the practice.
  • Design an emergency action plan
  • Outline program structure based on available training and competition opportunities
  • Identify program measures to promote athlete development
  • Develop practice plans that integrate seasonal training priorities

Your coaching status in the Baseball Canada 13U, 15U or 16+ Coach program will be In Training.


Pitching & Catching Clinic

On completion of this module, you will get credit for:

  • Detect and correct fundamental pitching performance.
  • Detect and correct fundamental catching performance.

Your coaching status in the Baseball Canada 13U, 15U or 16+ Coach program will be In Training.


Strategies Clinic

On completion of this module, you will get credit for:

  • Makes effective interventions during and after the competition.
  • Prepare for readiness in competition.

Your coaching status in the Baseball Canada 13U, 15U or 16+ Coach program will be In Training.


New Skills Clinic

On completion of this module, you will get credit for:

  • Offense philosophy
  • Infield positioning
  • Catching habilities
  • Pitch calling & PFP
  • Outfield positioning

Your coaching status in the Baseball Canada 15U or 16+ Coach program will be In Training.


Your coaching status in the Baseball Canada 13U, 15U or 16+ Coach program will be Trained 13U Coach once the Online Module, Initiation Clinic, Teaching & Learning Clinic, Absolutes Clinic, Pitching and Catching, Planning clinic and 13U Video package are completed.

Your coaching status in the Baseball Canada 13U, 15U or 16+ Coach program will be Certified 13U Coach once the Making Ethical Decision Online Evaluation, the 13U Portfolio Tasks are completed as well as completing your online portfolio and be evaluated during a practice session.

Your coaching status in the Baseball Canada 13U, 15U or 16+ Coach program will be Trained 15U or 16+ Coach once the Online Module, Initiation Clinic, Teaching & Learning Clinic, Absolutes Clinic, Pitching and Catching, Strategies, Planning clinic, Skills clinic and 15U or 16+ Video package are completed.

Your coaching status in the Baseball Canada 13U, 15U or 16+ Coach program will be Certified 15U or 16+ Coach once the Making Ethical Decision Online Evaluation, 15U or 16+ Portfolio Tasks are completed as well as completing your online portfolio and be evaluated during a practice session and a game .